Thursday, February 24, 2011

Gay Cruising Washington D C

thistles in cocotte

The thistles. This wonderful vegetable but so difficult to clean, when you find the market already clean rejoice (at least I) otherwise know that a couple of hours at the kitchen sink to clean them we must be and in fact I was there because I found them clean and since I like so much to my husband's sacrifice ... The rest is done by a simple recipe and a beautiful ceramic casserole baking LeCreuset , wonderful for cooking and beautiful for the table.



sauce 1 egg Parmesan

Clean thistles, make them into pieces of 7 / 8 cm and put them to cook in a pressure cooker for 30 minutes, then let them drain for a few hours.
Meanwhile, prepare the bechamel sauce how to make it normal, that is, melt 20 grams of butter, add 20 grams of flour and then diluted with 200 grams of milk, bring to a boil and cook for 5 minutes. This is the bechamel sauce.
Resume thistles, make them into small pieces with the crescent and place in a baking dish and season with salt, pepper, nutmeg, egg, Parmesan and a couple of tablespoons of sauce. Turn everything well, with butter (I this beautiful casserole LeCreuset) an ovenproof dish and place in oven for about 30-40 minutes at 180-200 ° C, always depends on your oven. If you like before baking put us above other white sauce and parmesan
Con questa ricetta partecipo al contest "Tutto in cocotte", che presenta i prodotti LeCreuset, l'azienda leader per le casseruole in ghisa, le cocotte in ceramica e tanti altri prodotti per la casa, della carissima Imma che trovate  qui .


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