to present my collaboration with LeCreuset , the best in pots made of enameled cast iron, I could not choose a famous French recipe, a recipe for long cooking in the oven, and the best is undoubtedly the Boeuf Borguignon. I am not a lover of meat, but if I make a meat dish, I go on the most popular recipes, do not put myself to invent anything. I had made stew, braised in Barolo and other recipes where the meat is a queen, but this beats all the. The preparation is not difficult, the explanation is long, it's a bit 'more complex than a stew, but when you lift the cover after 3 hours of cooking, the scents that are released into the air, are heavenly. The wine, moved her bouquet to the meat and air are mixed herbs, thyme, bay leaves, bacon, bacon, glazed onions and wine, so the smell that fills the house is that of wine, a good Rosso Conero , a nice wine quite large, in place of Chianti that yesterday, was not available in any of the two wineries I visited.
The truth is that I wanted to redo the perfect recipe of Julia Child, but alas for the Beaujolais is late, is no longer, I could not find the Chianti, and so I thought I'd fall back in that red I gave trust. I have faithfully copied the recipe from here , without omitting anything or add anything, the only change is in the wine.
160 grams of bacon
1.3 kg of lean beef cut into large pieces
extra virgin olive oil
salt, pepper, flour
750 ml of Beaujolais or Burgundy or Chianti, however, a full-bodied wine
500/750 ml beef stock
1 tablespoon tomato paste
2 cloves garlic, crushed
thyme, bay
boiled bacon rind
for the contours to be served along with the boeuf bourguignon: glazed onions and mashed potatoes.
1. Bacon: the first boil and then cook.
2. Carne: cut Cuboni, then flour and fry
3. Vegetables: carrot and onion cut into slices and then fry
Remove bacon rind and cut into sticks the same, put it in water, hot grease and let it for 10 minutes, then put out to dry.
Take a casserole dish (I made the casserole LeCreuset), pour in the oil and fry the bacon then transfer it onto a plate, in the meantime, cut into chunks and brown meat in oil. Remove the flesh. Now pour in the sliced \u200b\u200bcarrot and onion, fry them too. Put in casseurola, meat and bacon, sprinkle with two tablespoons of flour and put the pan in a preheated oven 230 °, let 5 minuti, date una bella girata alla carne e ancora 5 minuti in forno, questo serve a far dorare la farina attaccata alla carne.
1. Vino e brodo sulla carne, devono coprirla
2. Aggiungere tutto il resto, coprire e far sobbollire per 3 ore
3. Controllare ogni tanto se il livello del liquido va bene, altrimenti
aggiungere brodo
To accompany the meat, I made some onions glazed with balsamic vinegar: borettane put the onions in a pan (no need to overlap) with oil and butter, fry slowly from side to side, then add balsamic vinegar, sugar and cover with the broth, cook them up and half cooked (after 20 minutes) turn it so darken the other side.
For the mashed potatoes vi rimando alle istruzioni che sono nella scatola del vostro purè perché io mangio solo quello in scatola fino a quando le patate non saranno di nuovo quelle di una volta, cioè meno acquose e più farinose.
Non si può descrivere la cremosità di questa carne cotta così a lungo se non si assaggia, è deliziosa, morbida, tenera, saporita, e nello stesso tempo leggera. Certo la cottura nella pentola chiusa fa in modo che i suoi aromi, i suoi odori rimangano tutti all'interno e per questo le pentole in ghisa sono l'ideale.
Con questa ricetta partecipo al contest della carissima Imma in collaborazione con LeCreuset che trovate qui
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