thank Anna to the preface. Since the period of
Panettone connecting the world! prepared simultaneously in 10 hands (we were 5 friends blogger), we plan to continue the wonderful experience that we were living.
The idea was to reproduce, SO INDIVIDUAL, the same recipe taken from: any blog, a book of recipes, a recipe posted in our blog, etc.. With all the differences that there may be since we all live in different places of the world, but also because We have always been able to find the same ingredients.
Not to mention that each of us has his own way to organize and proceed with the preparations.
Evidence of what was said before is our cake, we use ingredients readily available to match the tastes and preferences.
panettone Our results are all beautiful and delicious, but different: yes or no candied fruit, or candied ginger, powdered milk or condensed, yes no malt malt, etc.. And 'that's the theme of this collaboration: Same recipe, nice and tasty, but with personal makeover.
It 's been a long time since the time of cake, either for a reason, either to another could not start with our project. But, finally, the initial idea seems to materialize from this month will begin with "Bread German beer " posted recently by me. Because even I make the bread to beer? because the first time I did it with the yeast and now with the yeast in liquid culture.
expect to post our recipe, tomorrow, February 6, 2011, and at that time disclose the recipe and the publication date of March, we will do what it always one month in advance.
begin in three: Anna , Ornella and I , but we would be happy if there were statements of support from volunteer bloggers who read us, our world is open to all / e ;-)
summarizes our thoughts for those who want to get involved in this nice initiative:
- Repeat the recipe of the month in a personal way
- after switching on your blog, leave the link in the comments to the recipe posted by one of
we (Anna , Ornella or me ). Ma può partecipare anche chi
non ha blog, anche in questo caso sarà sufficiente l'invio del commento ad uno
dei nostri blog, mentre la ricetta e la foto dovrebbe essere inviata via mail.
- Ogni volta riporteremo, in fondo alla ricetta del mese, la ricetta del mese
successivo e la data di pubblicazione: è necessario rispettare il giorno in cui
deve essere postata la ricetta. In questo caso, sarà nostra cura inserire nei
nostri post la foto lincata della creazione che ci sarà inviata.
- Non ci si deve sentire vincolati dalla periodicità di questa collaborazione. Nel
If you are unable to work for one or more recipes, nothing irreparable
will fall into play as soon as you have a chance. But who can, we would be happy if
continue to mess with us.
- This should not be considered a contest, but only a mere
of fun together.
- We would like to, those who adhered to our initiative, exposing our
nice banner in your blog.
- For further information, simply send an email to one of us (
mail address can be found in our blog)
- For the rest, when they come out of other problematiche le affronteremo man
In questa pagina inserirò le foto, con i relativi link, della ricetta mensile, per una facile reperibilità di tutte le nostre ricette fatte insieme. Ci si arriverà comodamente facendo clik sul banner dei nostri "quanti......"
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Pane tedesco alla birra | |
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