L 'I invented this time I put no link, I've built specifically for the present this beautiful coppapasta Guardini , is new, in a beautiful stainless steel, but the real news is at the plunger, that you can fill the pastry rings to the edge, without any problem after post and slowly push the plunger so that the content remains in the pot is empty and the coppapasta and thanks to the plunger (looks fine in the photo) the form is perfect. I found myself very well.
I often cook red cabbage, I will not tell you how well do the cabbage, of all colors, but the red one is open to different interpretations.
The pancakes I made with rice flour and, therefore, is a recipe that can fit even for people with celiac disease, there is absolutely no gluten.
Ingredients crepes :
150 grams of rice flour, 3 eggs
a glass of milk, but since I did not I put water
3 tablespoons butter, melted but not hot
dough I put a spoonful of pepper, freshly ground, various colors of Cayenne pepper with those delicious smells spicy.
Ingredients for filling:
red cabbage cut up and stewed slowly made only con il sale,
sale e pepe (poco)
cercare di rendere il cavolo una crema, ma solo girandolo con un mestolo di legno e poi aggiungere la robiola, non so dirve quanta ce ne vada, cercate di regolarvi anche assaggiando e quando il sapore vi piace, vuole dire che va bene, comunque su metà cavolo rosso basta un panetto di robiola. Mischiate bene.
A questo punto ho preso il coppapasta, l'ho appoggiato sulle crepes e ho tagliato tanti quadretti, poi ne ho messo uno come base e ho cominciato a riempire il coppapasta di farcia, un altro quadretto e ancora farcia, fino a riempirlo tutto, poi aiutandomi con lo stantuffo (mi sono dimenticata di dire che l'interno I went through a little olive oil) I did get my tower that was perfectly straight.
I shake a little cabbage with the liquid and I put a mirror in the pot, I've been lying my tower and I decorated. This
coppapasta with the plunger is very convenient to Serve in a perfect way all kind of dishes such as risotto.
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