Una stagione: l'Inverno
Last winter days
I walked around my garden,
I was a little 'depressed thinking about how much work
I do to make you welcome and comfortable.
Then I saw them, only insoles in the midst of so many fallen leaves ... and I was back in a good mood:)
This blog is part of the "A Season: Winter" by kosenrufu mama
Thursday, March 10, 2011
Wednesday, March 9, 2011
Catchy Name For A Consignment Shop
Orgoglio di nonna?
Yes, I am proud of this nephew (only unfortunately),
today just out of school showed me the newspaper, where there
his photo with his mates.
Sunday held a concert
Civil Hospital of Brescia for the puppies hospitalized.
Frederick was excited about this experience and hopes to do it again soon.
left of middle school students Mompiani Brescia
right patients puppies:)
Yes, I am proud of this nephew (only unfortunately),
today just out of school showed me the newspaper, where there
his photo with his mates.
Sunday held a concert
Civil Hospital of Brescia for the puppies hospitalized.
Frederick was excited about this experience and hopes to do it again soon.
left of middle school students Mompiani Brescia
right patients puppies:)
Tuesday, March 8, 2011
Snowmobile Parts In Ontario
Ancora un premio!
Received By Clara is obvious that I'm so happy!
Although I'm not sure deserve
Received By Clara is obvious that I'm so happy!
Although I'm not sure deserve
Now I have to choose 10 other blogs
http://ilmondodelladixina.blogspot.com/ (my first supporter )
now tell you 10 things me and here are a bit 'embarrassed: o
1) I love my family above all else
2) are clumsy
3) still undecided
4) love cooking (www.lapulceincucina.altervista.org)
5) I like to knit
6) I love nature
7) are a sincere person
8) I think the most precious Friendship
9) are very messy
10) can not write
Sample Spiritual Get Well Messages
Tortelloni potatoes and prawns in orange sauce
La mia passione per i ravioli, tortelli, agnolotti, tortellini ecc., mi pare ormai risaputa, non passa settimana che io non racchiuda dentro ad un pezzo di pasta, qualche cosa, verdura, frutta, carne, formaggi e tutto quello che si può dichiarare commestibile. In un tortello si può racchiudere, come nel caso della mia ricetta, un pasto completo, primo, secondo e frutta e i sapori sono ben amalgamati, e la visione io la trovo spledida, con questi colori solari. Con questa ricetta partecipo al contest "La Banda declina...arancio..." che trovate nel blog la banda dei broccoli.
Ingredienti :
non metto i pesi perché li trovate nella puff pastry
for ravioli that you find here
for the filling: 8
3 / 4 potatoes, peeled and boiled
rosemary garlic
3 oranges, juice and zest
Mash the potatoes, put them in a pan with a clove of garlic, olive oil and rosemary and the zest of 1 orange, make them more flavor and then let them cool in the meantime put the prawns in a pan with olive oil and garlic, brown them quickly over high heat and then inonadteli with the orange juice and zest degli altri due, fateli andare ancora un paio di minuti e poi spegnete.
Adesso tirate la sfoglia, tagliatela a quadri abbastanza grandi e mettete un cucchiaio di patata in ogni quadro, sopra un pezzo di gamberone, sale e pepe, chiudete con un altro quadro di pasta, sigillate bene i bordi e andate avanti fino ad esaurimento della farcia e della pasta.
Quando l'acqua bolle calate i tortelloni, aspettate 3/4 minuti e tirateli fuori, metteteli nella padella dove avete cotto i gamberoni e dove sarà ancora la salsa all'arancio, poi impiattate versando sopra l'arancio e i gamberi e le fettine di arancio tagliate finissime.
Come ho già detto sopra, ma lo ripeto, con this recipe I participate in the contest: La Banda declines "orange" you find here.
La mia passione per i ravioli, tortelli, agnolotti, tortellini ecc., mi pare ormai risaputa, non passa settimana che io non racchiuda dentro ad un pezzo di pasta, qualche cosa, verdura, frutta, carne, formaggi e tutto quello che si può dichiarare commestibile. In un tortello si può racchiudere, come nel caso della mia ricetta, un pasto completo, primo, secondo e frutta e i sapori sono ben amalgamati, e la visione io la trovo spledida, con questi colori solari. Con questa ricetta partecipo al contest "La Banda declina...arancio..." che trovate nel blog la banda dei broccoli.
Ingredienti :
non metto i pesi perché li trovate nella puff pastry
for ravioli that you find here
for the filling: 8
3 / 4 potatoes, peeled and boiled
rosemary garlic
3 oranges, juice and zest
Mash the potatoes, put them in a pan with a clove of garlic, olive oil and rosemary and the zest of 1 orange, make them more flavor and then let them cool in the meantime put the prawns in a pan with olive oil and garlic, brown them quickly over high heat and then inonadteli with the orange juice and zest degli altri due, fateli andare ancora un paio di minuti e poi spegnete.
Adesso tirate la sfoglia, tagliatela a quadri abbastanza grandi e mettete un cucchiaio di patata in ogni quadro, sopra un pezzo di gamberone, sale e pepe, chiudete con un altro quadro di pasta, sigillate bene i bordi e andate avanti fino ad esaurimento della farcia e della pasta.
Quando l'acqua bolle calate i tortelloni, aspettate 3/4 minuti e tirateli fuori, metteteli nella padella dove avete cotto i gamberoni e dove sarà ancora la salsa all'arancio, poi impiattate versando sopra l'arancio e i gamberi e le fettine di arancio tagliate finissime.
Come ho già detto sopra, ma lo ripeto, con this recipe I participate in the contest: La Banda declines "orange" you find here.
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The contest can be found here |
Saturday, March 5, 2011
Blog Prince Theme Shower
many ways to make and remake ... Frisgiori longhi (pancakes long)
Here we are at our second meeting with the project " many ways to do ... and do it" . For this second release we propose, as we had previously announced, the pancakes long carnival, also known as, in Sardinia, Fried Arabic. This fry is typical of some parts of Sassari, while in other municipalities, the same recipe, it is called in several other ways, zippulas in Cagliari.
We took this recipe here and if I tell the truth, to warn those who decide to do it again, first came something else, it is not easy to make the spiral, the Sardinians have a funnel, so at least explained in the recipes, with a long handle that fill with this mixture and then when the oil is ready to go above and drop it into boiling oil. Again, it is not easy, I'm the second time I used the pastry bag without a nozzle, disposable ones, I filled e quando era pieno l'ho tagliato in punta, è stato abbastanza facile, poi il resto è venuto da solo.
500 grammi di semola rimacinata
500 grammi di farina 00
1 litro di latte tiepido
1 cubetto di lievito di birra da 25 grammi
1 pizzico di sale
la scorza grattugiata di due arance non trattate
mezzo bicchierino di acquavite
mezzo bicchierino di liquore d'anice
olio di semi di arachide per friggere
zucchero semolato per ripassare le frittelle una volta fritte
1) I put everything in the bread machine, program mix, I dissolved the yeast in warm milk and I put together the flour, orange peel, liqueurs and I did knead a long time, until creamy and very smooth.
2) I put in a bowl, cover with plastic wrap and cover of batteries and let rise until raddoppio.3) I put plenty of oil in a pan with high sides, filled a pastry bag closed at one end and the oil was ready, I cut the tip of the sac and began to pour the mixture turning spiral. It is not easy, but you can do, let them brown well, then put them to dry in paper to the fried (Straw paper) and fill with sugar, eat them after a while because the next day are not very good, is the classic pasta of donuts, good freshly fried, but after a while 'hours become gummy.
The recipe that we propose for the release of April 6 is the classic and beautiful Neapolitan Pastiera , a sweet now known da tutti e amato da tutti quelli che lo conoscono, e questa è un'occasione per quelli che invece ancora non lo conoscono, fatelo insieme a noi, la ricetta che vi proponiamo è tratta dal sito ufficiale che trovate qui ed è garantita la sua riuscita.
Volevo dire anche un'altra cosa. Se qualcuna di voi volesse fare una proposta su una ricetta da fare insieme, sarebbe la benvenuta, alcune di voi hanno fatto il pane tedesco alla birra e se qualcuno li volesse visionare, sono nel post del pane tedesco, sono venuti benissimo.
Here we are at our second meeting with the project " many ways to do ... and do it" . For this second release we propose, as we had previously announced, the pancakes long carnival, also known as, in Sardinia, Fried Arabic. This fry is typical of some parts of Sassari, while in other municipalities, the same recipe, it is called in several other ways, zippulas in Cagliari.
We took this recipe here and if I tell the truth, to warn those who decide to do it again, first came something else, it is not easy to make the spiral, the Sardinians have a funnel, so at least explained in the recipes, with a long handle that fill with this mixture and then when the oil is ready to go above and drop it into boiling oil. Again, it is not easy, I'm the second time I used the pastry bag without a nozzle, disposable ones, I filled e quando era pieno l'ho tagliato in punta, è stato abbastanza facile, poi il resto è venuto da solo.
500 grammi di semola rimacinata
500 grammi di farina 00
1 litro di latte tiepido
1 cubetto di lievito di birra da 25 grammi
1 pizzico di sale
la scorza grattugiata di due arance non trattate
mezzo bicchierino di acquavite
mezzo bicchierino di liquore d'anice
olio di semi di arachide per friggere
zucchero semolato per ripassare le frittelle una volta fritte
1) I put everything in the bread machine, program mix, I dissolved the yeast in warm milk and I put together the flour, orange peel, liqueurs and I did knead a long time, until creamy and very smooth.
2) I put in a bowl, cover with plastic wrap and cover of batteries and let rise until raddoppio.3) I put plenty of oil in a pan with high sides, filled a pastry bag closed at one end and the oil was ready, I cut the tip of the sac and began to pour the mixture turning spiral. It is not easy, but you can do, let them brown well, then put them to dry in paper to the fried (Straw paper) and fill with sugar, eat them after a while because the next day are not very good, is the classic pasta of donuts, good freshly fried, but after a while 'hours become gummy.
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These are Frisgiori of Anna |
... and those of Ornella |
The recipe that we propose for the release of April 6 is the classic and beautiful Neapolitan Pastiera , a sweet now known da tutti e amato da tutti quelli che lo conoscono, e questa è un'occasione per quelli che invece ancora non lo conoscono, fatelo insieme a noi, la ricetta che vi proponiamo è tratta dal sito ufficiale che trovate qui ed è garantita la sua riuscita.
Volevo dire anche un'altra cosa. Se qualcuna di voi volesse fare una proposta su una ricetta da fare insieme, sarebbe la benvenuta, alcune di voi hanno fatto il pane tedesco alla birra e se qualcuno li volesse visionare, sono nel post del pane tedesco, sono venuti benissimo.
Wednesday, March 2, 2011
Cost Of Haircut At Jcpenneys
Che brutta cosa l'indecisione
I started with much enthusiasm but now I'm stuck ...
will be the right size?
I started with much enthusiasm but now I'm stuck ...
will be the right size?
Mysoor Mallige Blue Film Gallery
The Sunflower ... a loaf of bread for 8 March
Questo pane meraviglioso, giallo come the sun, is dedicated to all women's day March 8. The International Women's Day , commonly referred Women's Day, marks the ' March 8 every year to commemorate the achievements and social, political and economic conditions of women, both discrimination and violence they are still made subject in many parts of the world. This year's International Women's Day celebrates its 100th birthday, in fact, precisely in March 1911, was decreed by the Socialist Clara Zetkin, International Women's Day. Perhaps there was no fire, there are conflicting opinions on this matter, indeed seems that war began to turn fanciful versions according to which the 8 March would remember the deaths of hundreds of workers in the fire in a non-existent shirt factory Cottons or Cotton occurred in 1908 in New York. which is likely to be confused with a real tragedy that occurred in that city on March 25 1911, the ' Triangle Factory fire, which killed 146 workers, mostly young immigrant women from' Europe. Other versions cited the violent police repression of a textile workers union alleged event took place in New York in 1857 , while others related to strikes or accidents that occurred in Chicago, Boston or New York. (History from Wikipedia).
I've never been in agreement on the celebrations, I never went to dinner with friends, why not consider a party. Women are still abused, beaten, abused and raped, and too many are those who are killed by their husbands and companions, so I do not think that there is nothing to celebrate, I think the March 8 should be a day of reflection.
I wanted to do something yellow to give to all women, but the usual mimosa cake I did not like, do it all. I started to spin the web and I found the blog of Manu, this beautiful bread, good, done with CISA, cooked in a pan "Last minut" of Guardini and impressive. I've got to here
Ingredients: 200 grams of
Licola here and here very active
125 grams of water 100 grams whole wheat flour (semolina I )
310 grams flour White
0 7 grams salt 50 grams extra virgin olive oil
I Licola dissolved in the water, I did it stand for 15 minutes, then I added the flour, oil and salt, and put everything I mixed in the mixer, I did work the mixture well and then left to rise for one hour. Once ready, put it over the parchment paper, roll it out in the shape of a circle with a diameter of about 25-26 cm and a height of 1.5 cm, the center of the circle put a glass or jar and leave them upside down, brush the crown part of discovery and sprinkle with flour. Then divide this circle into 16 segments, it is not difficult, always leaving the central pool, now take a piece with your fingers at a time, gently pull it toward you and rotate the cutting (make half a turn) you have to see him practically the triangle cutting, do it with all the cloves. Turn them all in the same direction.
Questo pane meraviglioso, giallo come the sun, is dedicated to all women's day March 8. The International Women's Day , commonly referred Women's Day, marks the ' March 8 every year to commemorate the achievements and social, political and economic conditions of women, both discrimination and violence they are still made subject in many parts of the world. This year's International Women's Day celebrates its 100th birthday, in fact, precisely in March 1911, was decreed by the Socialist Clara Zetkin, International Women's Day. Perhaps there was no fire, there are conflicting opinions on this matter, indeed seems that war began to turn fanciful versions according to which the 8 March would remember the deaths of hundreds of workers in the fire in a non-existent shirt factory Cottons or Cotton occurred in 1908 in New York. which is likely to be confused with a real tragedy that occurred in that city on March 25 1911, the ' Triangle Factory fire, which killed 146 workers, mostly young immigrant women from' Europe. Other versions cited the violent police repression of a textile workers union alleged event took place in New York in 1857 , while others related to strikes or accidents that occurred in Chicago, Boston or New York. (History from Wikipedia).
I've never been in agreement on the celebrations, I never went to dinner with friends, why not consider a party. Women are still abused, beaten, abused and raped, and too many are those who are killed by their husbands and companions, so I do not think that there is nothing to celebrate, I think the March 8 should be a day of reflection.
I wanted to do something yellow to give to all women, but the usual mimosa cake I did not like, do it all. I started to spin the web and I found the blog of Manu, this beautiful bread, good, done with CISA, cooked in a pan "Last minut" of Guardini and impressive. I've got to here
Ingredients: 200 grams of
Licola here and here very active
125 grams of water 100 grams whole wheat flour (semolina I )
310 grams flour White
0 7 grams salt 50 grams extra virgin olive oil
I Licola dissolved in the water, I did it stand for 15 minutes, then I added the flour, oil and salt, and put everything I mixed in the mixer, I did work the mixture well and then left to rise for one hour. Once ready, put it over the parchment paper, roll it out in the shape of a circle with a diameter of about 25-26 cm and a height of 1.5 cm, the center of the circle put a glass or jar and leave them upside down, brush the crown part of discovery and sprinkle with flour. Then divide this circle into 16 segments, it is not difficult, always leaving the central pool, now take a piece with your fingers at a time, gently pull it toward you and rotate the cutting (make half a turn) you have to see him practically the triangle cutting, do it with all the cloves. Turn them all in the same direction.
Now make your decorations as you like, I have held the center with pumpkin seeds and then I dusted all the segments (at this point are the petals) with turmeric, which not only gives flavor but color. Let it rise (I have covered bell) for several hours, when it's ready because you see the petals will join each other. I transferred into a preheated oven at 180 ° C for 35-40 minutes. A once cooked
has really become a beautiful sunflower, and bring to the table so everyone come off its petals. If the petals are cut closer, you can also open on one side, stuffed with ham and close (it occurred to me while I was writing now) so you can also serve as an appetizer. Very nice.
Tuesday, March 1, 2011
Cheats Fire Red Emulator
Competition's Birthday Casket
This jewel is what I made for the contest held by the forum "The casket of pearls" unfortunately I did not win anything ... I'll show you the photo, I hope you like!
A kiss.
This jewel is what I made for the contest held by the forum "The casket of pearls" unfortunately I did not win anything ... I'll show you the photo, I hope you like!
A kiss.
Sunday, February 27, 2011
Wisconsin Dells Bachelors
Tuna: how to do home made pie
Who does not like the tuna in oil? I believe anyone. Unfortunately, in cans with "Tuna in oil" very often are not filled with tuna, but with other fish, which can be, at best, sharks, and when he goes badly with dolphins, but unfortunately there is so shocked. The price obviously makes a difference, buy a can of tuna 200 grams and pay € 06.07, it means you eat tuna tuna tuna put on the table paid 1.50, 2 €, it means that you eat smaller fish, sharks or more. And then there are the preservatives.
I decided to do it alone because my children will eat enough and I'd like to eat tuna if I buy tuna.
Ingredients per 500 grams of fresh tuna:
500 grams of tuna
30 grams of salt
carrot, celery, bay
onion, peppercorns
Wash the piece of tuna, wipe from ventuali filaments or other, put them in a pot with water to cover it thoroughly, and calculated when it starts to boil 3 hours. I put in all the vegetables that are written in the ingredients, plus the peppercorns and bay leaves, but it is my initiative, the various recipes I found in magazines and on web did not speak of vegetables to the boiling water I put them, because in my opinion enhance the taste of tuna. Spend 3 hours
put the tuna in a colander to drain and let it meshed well 24 hours. In short, the tuna should be perfectly dry.
When it is ready to step Passim successiva, metterlo sott'olio.
Prendete dei bei barattoli con chiusure sicure, sterilizzateli al microonde, riempiteli con il tonno, i grani di pepe interi, le foglie di alloro e coprite tutto, con olio extravergine di oliva, più è buono l'olio e meglio viene il tonno, deve essere coperto fino al bordo, chiudete e passiamo alla sterilizzazione. Mettete i vasi, dentro a una pentola, dove avrete precedentemente messo un canovaccio sul fondo, copriteli di acqua che deve arrivare sopra ai tappi almeno un paio di centimetri e da quando iniziano a bollire calcolate 30 minuti. Fateli freddare nella loro acqua. Repitete tutto il procedimento di sterilizzazione per tre volte, ogni volta per 30 minuti. Quando sono freddi riponeteli in un luogo buio come all preserved. We should wait a couple of months before opening the cans because the tuna has to take the flavors of olive oil, salt and pepper. Me after a month I opened it because I wanted to taste it and I must say that it is beautiful, the true taste of tuna, not the taste of salt and nothing else, very good, to be redone completely. Now when we eat the tuna, we know what we eat.
Who does not like the tuna in oil? I believe anyone. Unfortunately, in cans with "Tuna in oil" very often are not filled with tuna, but with other fish, which can be, at best, sharks, and when he goes badly with dolphins, but unfortunately there is so shocked. The price obviously makes a difference, buy a can of tuna 200 grams and pay € 06.07, it means you eat tuna tuna tuna put on the table paid 1.50, 2 €, it means that you eat smaller fish, sharks or more. And then there are the preservatives.
I decided to do it alone because my children will eat enough and I'd like to eat tuna if I buy tuna.
Ingredients per 500 grams of fresh tuna:
500 grams of tuna
30 grams of salt
carrot, celery, bay
onion, peppercorns
Wash the piece of tuna, wipe from ventuali filaments or other, put them in a pot with water to cover it thoroughly, and calculated when it starts to boil 3 hours. I put in all the vegetables that are written in the ingredients, plus the peppercorns and bay leaves, but it is my initiative, the various recipes I found in magazines and on web did not speak of vegetables to the boiling water I put them, because in my opinion enhance the taste of tuna. Spend 3 hours
put the tuna in a colander to drain and let it meshed well 24 hours. In short, the tuna should be perfectly dry.
When it is ready to step Passim successiva, metterlo sott'olio.
Prendete dei bei barattoli con chiusure sicure, sterilizzateli al microonde, riempiteli con il tonno, i grani di pepe interi, le foglie di alloro e coprite tutto, con olio extravergine di oliva, più è buono l'olio e meglio viene il tonno, deve essere coperto fino al bordo, chiudete e passiamo alla sterilizzazione. Mettete i vasi, dentro a una pentola, dove avrete precedentemente messo un canovaccio sul fondo, copriteli di acqua che deve arrivare sopra ai tappi almeno un paio di centimetri e da quando iniziano a bollire calcolate 30 minuti. Fateli freddare nella loro acqua. Repitete tutto il procedimento di sterilizzazione per tre volte, ogni volta per 30 minuti. Quando sono freddi riponeteli in un luogo buio come all preserved. We should wait a couple of months before opening the cans because the tuna has to take the flavors of olive oil, salt and pepper. Me after a month I opened it because I wanted to taste it and I must say that it is beautiful, the true taste of tuna, not the taste of salt and nothing else, very good, to be redone completely. Now when we eat the tuna, we know what we eat.
Thursday, February 24, 2011
Gay Cruising Washington D C
thistles in cocotte
The thistles. This wonderful vegetable but so difficult to clean, when you find the market already clean rejoice (at least I) otherwise know that a couple of hours at the kitchen sink to clean them we must be and in fact I was there because I found them clean and since I like so much to my husband's sacrifice ... The rest is done by a simple recipe and a beautiful ceramic casserole baking LeCreuset , wonderful for cooking and beautiful for the table.
sauce 1 egg Parmesan
Clean thistles, make them into pieces of 7 / 8 cm and put them to cook in a pressure cooker for 30 minutes, then let them drain for a few hours.
Meanwhile, prepare the bechamel sauce how to make it normal, that is, melt 20 grams of butter, add 20 grams of flour and then diluted with 200 grams of milk, bring to a boil and cook for 5 minutes. This is the bechamel sauce.
Resume thistles, make them into small pieces with the crescent and place in a baking dish and season with salt, pepper, nutmeg, egg, Parmesan and a couple of tablespoons of sauce. Turn everything well, with butter (I this beautiful casserole LeCreuset) an ovenproof dish and place in oven for about 30-40 minutes at 180-200 ° C, always depends on your oven. If you like before baking put us above other white sauce and parmesan
Con questa ricetta partecipo al contest "Tutto in cocotte", che presenta i prodotti LeCreuset, l'azienda leader per le casseruole in ghisa, le cocotte in ceramica e tanti altri prodotti per la casa, della carissima Imma che trovate qui .
The thistles. This wonderful vegetable but so difficult to clean, when you find the market already clean rejoice (at least I) otherwise know that a couple of hours at the kitchen sink to clean them we must be and in fact I was there because I found them clean and since I like so much to my husband's sacrifice ... The rest is done by a simple recipe and a beautiful ceramic casserole baking LeCreuset , wonderful for cooking and beautiful for the table.
sauce 1 egg Parmesan
Clean thistles, make them into pieces of 7 / 8 cm and put them to cook in a pressure cooker for 30 minutes, then let them drain for a few hours.
Meanwhile, prepare the bechamel sauce how to make it normal, that is, melt 20 grams of butter, add 20 grams of flour and then diluted with 200 grams of milk, bring to a boil and cook for 5 minutes. This is the bechamel sauce.
Resume thistles, make them into small pieces with the crescent and place in a baking dish and season with salt, pepper, nutmeg, egg, Parmesan and a couple of tablespoons of sauce. Turn everything well, with butter (I this beautiful casserole LeCreuset) an ovenproof dish and place in oven for about 30-40 minutes at 180-200 ° C, always depends on your oven. If you like before baking put us above other white sauce and parmesan
Wednesday, February 23, 2011
Tuesday, February 22, 2011
Painful White Blister On Gum
Florentine Schiacciata
Conoscevo la Schiacciata fiorentina, ma non l'avevo mai fatta e siccome volevo fare un dolce di carnevale nella teglia rettangolare Guardini , invece delle solite chiacchiere che avevo già fatto, ho deciso di provare questa insolita torta with brewer's yeast. I immediately liked the recipe I found in the blog "The world of Luvi" and you can find here .
faithfully reproduce the information on the cake I found in the blog "The world of Luvi" : "The classic shape is rectangular, it should not exceed 3 cm in height and must remain soft when cooked. Is characteristic of the design lily symbol of Florence, which is done in the middle with cocoa powder, while all around you is spread the icing sugar.
There are several variations and can be filled with whipped cream, icing or chocolate cream.
Ingredients :
500 grams of flour 0
200 grams caster sugar 200 grams of lard
2 eggs 1 orange (rind + juice)
20 grams yeast 250 grams of whole milk
for decorating: icing sugar, cocoa
Melt yeast in warm milk and mix with 300 grams of flour. Let rise covered until doubled, about 1 hour.
After the first kneading yeast dough with 200 grams of flour, eggs beaten with sugar, juice and grated peel.
You will get a smooth dough, then gradually add the lard, in the end you will have a very soft dough, but consistent.
Pour into a buttered and floured rectangular pan, and let it rise for another two hours to get to the edge of the pan, if safety measures are followed. At the end
bake the cake at 180 ° C for 45 minutes (depends a lot on your oven). Do the toothpick test and if it is cooked pull it out and let it cool on a wire rack. Once the mold and let cool decoration. It 's good, it tastes very mild and typical of yeast, is a sweet different from the usual carnival.
Conoscevo la Schiacciata fiorentina, ma non l'avevo mai fatta e siccome volevo fare un dolce di carnevale nella teglia rettangolare Guardini , invece delle solite chiacchiere che avevo già fatto, ho deciso di provare questa insolita torta with brewer's yeast. I immediately liked the recipe I found in the blog "The world of Luvi" and you can find here .
faithfully reproduce the information on the cake I found in the blog "The world of Luvi" : "The classic shape is rectangular, it should not exceed 3 cm in height and must remain soft when cooked. Is characteristic of the design lily symbol of Florence, which is done in the middle with cocoa powder, while all around you is spread the icing sugar.
There are several variations and can be filled with whipped cream, icing or chocolate cream.
Ingredients :
500 grams of flour 0
200 grams caster sugar 200 grams of lard
2 eggs 1 orange (rind + juice)
20 grams yeast 250 grams of whole milk
for decorating: icing sugar, cocoa
Melt yeast in warm milk and mix with 300 grams of flour. Let rise covered until doubled, about 1 hour.
After the first kneading yeast dough with 200 grams of flour, eggs beaten with sugar, juice and grated peel.
You will get a smooth dough, then gradually add the lard, in the end you will have a very soft dough, but consistent.
Pour into a buttered and floured rectangular pan, and let it rise for another two hours to get to the edge of the pan, if safety measures are followed. At the end
bake the cake at 180 ° C for 45 minutes (depends a lot on your oven). Do the toothpick test and if it is cooked pull it out and let it cool on a wire rack. Once the mold and let cool decoration. It 's good, it tastes very mild and typical of yeast, is a sweet different from the usual carnival.
Centerpieces With Lanterns
Market Moggio
sickly Since I'm home ... I take this opportunity to update a bit 'and start my own blog the photo of the market that I did in December because I was not successful to enter, chedi forgiveness to all of you!
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