Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Mysoor Mallige Blue Film Gallery

The Sunflower ... a loaf of bread for 8 March

Questo pane meraviglioso, giallo come the sun, is dedicated to all women's day March 8. The International Women's Day , commonly referred Women's Day, marks the ' March 8 every year to commemorate the achievements and social, political and economic conditions of women, both discrimination and violence they are still made subject in many parts of the world. This year's International Women's Day celebrates its 100th birthday, in fact, precisely in March 1911, was decreed by the Socialist Clara Zetkin, International Women's Day. Perhaps there was no fire, there are conflicting opinions on this matter, indeed seems that war began to turn fanciful versions according to which the 8 March would remember the deaths of hundreds of workers in the fire in a non-existent shirt factory Cottons or Cotton occurred in 1908 in New York. which is likely to be confused with a real tragedy that occurred in that city on March 25 1911, the ' Triangle Factory fire, which killed 146 workers, mostly young immigrant women from' Europe. Other versions cited the violent police repression of a textile workers union alleged event took place in New York in 1857 , while others related to strikes or accidents that occurred in Chicago, Boston or New York. (History from Wikipedia).
I've never been in agreement on the celebrations, I never went to dinner with friends, why not consider a party. Women are still abused, beaten, abused and raped, and too many are those who are killed by their husbands and companions, so I do not think that there is nothing to celebrate, I think the March 8 should be a day of reflection.

I wanted to do something yellow to give to all women, but the usual mimosa cake I did not like, do it all. I started to spin the web and I found the blog of Manu, this beautiful bread, good, done with CISA, cooked in a pan "Last minut" of Guardini and impressive. I've got to here

Ingredients: 200 grams of

Licola here and here very active

125 grams of water 100 grams whole wheat flour (semolina I )
310 grams flour White
0 7 grams salt 50 grams extra virgin olive oil

I Licola dissolved in the water, I did it stand for 15 minutes, then I added the flour, oil and salt, and put everything I mixed in the mixer, I did work the mixture well and then left to rise for one hour. Once ready, put it over the parchment paper, roll it out in the shape of a circle with a diameter of about 25-26 cm and a height of 1.5 cm, the center of the circle put a glass or jar and leave them upside down, brush the crown part of discovery and sprinkle with flour. Then divide this circle into 16 segments, it is not difficult, always leaving the central pool, now take a piece with your fingers at a time, gently pull it toward you and rotate the cutting (make half a turn) you have to see him practically the triangle cutting, do it with all the cloves. Turn them all in the same direction.
Now make your decorations as you like, I have held the center with pumpkin seeds and then I dusted all the segments (at this point are the petals) with turmeric, which not only gives flavor but color. Let it rise (I have covered bell) for several hours, when it's ready because you see the petals will join each other. I transferred into a preheated oven at 180 ° C for 35-40 minutes. A once cooked
has really become a beautiful sunflower, and bring to the table so everyone come off its petals. If the petals are cut closer, you can also open on one side, stuffed with ham and close (it occurred to me while I was writing now) so you can also serve as an appetizer. Very nice.


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