start again. The year 2010 ended very badly ... a few days before Christmas, una macchina che andava a velocità sostenuta dentro Roma, ha investito il marito di mia sorella che, dopo due giorni di coma e varie operazioni, nel tentativo disperato di salvargli la vita, è deceduto. Era una persona splendita, un eccellente medico e un grande ascoltatore...era sempre pronto ad aiutare chiunque gli sottoponesse un problema. Tutti noi abbiamo perso molto, mia sorella e mio nipote in modo particolare. Amava molto la mia cucina ed io mi divertivo a mandargli dei messaggi con scritto: "Ho fatto la mousse, venite a cena?". Tre settimane fa gli avevo raccontato del mio plum-pudding dicendogli che lo avrebbe assaggiato a Natale, per cui vado avanti con le mie ricette sapendo di fargli molto piacere. Ciao Antonello.
Questi ravioli I made them for the evening of 24 because, by tradition, we eat the fish and since we really like ravioli I've prepared a few days before and frozen. For the pasta you can find that the usual here is the recipe for pappardelle, but the mix is \u200b\u200bfine. Now to the filling.
A sea bass, sea bass, medium in size (depending on how you want to make ravioli)
various scents and herbs (celery, carrot, onion, parsley) salt
and allspice aromas that encompasses many
parmesan butter
Clean, wash and put in a pan with an inch below the bass in the water, all the herbs, carrots, celery, onion, a clove of garlic and when it begins to boil gently adagiateci bass, cover it with the cover and after 10 minutes you can turn it off, leave covered for another 10 minutes to continue cooking. Clean it, Take off the skin, the central spine and the belly, others do not, put it in a bowl and crumble with a knife or giving it a puree, season with salt, pepper, olive oil, a tablespoon of Parmesan cheese, parsley, chopped fine . Peel the prawns and place in a pan with a little butter, turn up the heat and mix the vegetables while they spruzzateci brandy, let it evaporate and turn off the heat otherwise they harden. Make them into small pieces. Now assemble the ravioli, make the strips of dough, put a bit in the middle 'of dough on a piece of sea bass and shrimp, cover with another pasta and cut according to the form you have chosen, this time I've used the molds of paintings , hearts, spades and clubs. Dress as you like after having spent several minutes in boiling water. I have been spent in a very elongated tomato with water from cooking the prawn ravioli and a milkshake, came a delicate sauce, but you can dress as you like.
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