Talk, frappe, rags, or strufoli struffoli and still many others, there are many ways in Italy, in the various regions are called the Carnival of delicious desserts. I'm from Tuscany and we are called rags, perhaps because they are a bad cut to look like rags to clean the floors that we are called rags. But I live in Rome and here are called frappe, but I found it, has existed for many years, a wonderful recipe in an insert of Salt and Pepper, and these are rumors. Name by which the North calls the frappe. It's a nice recipe, easy and fast, but are brittle and chatter, full of bubbles, very light and delicate, fry them in two seconds, really good. I do not know when it will be, Shrove Tuesday, Mardi Gras ... I do not know, I wanted to make milkshakes and I did, because I have other dessert recipes carnival that I will later.
dose for quite a large tray, but will end very soon
250 grams of flour 00
2 uova
25 grammi di burro
20 grammi di zucchero semolato
2 cucchiai di grappa
zucchero e velo da mettere sopra
olio di semi di arachide (per friggere non usate altri oli di semi mi raccomando)
un pizzico di sale da mettere nell'impasto
Ho messo tutto insieme nell'impastatrice e ho fatto lavorare bene per 10-15 minuti fino a che l'impasto è risultato liscio ed elastico, poi lasciatelo riposare per un'ora coperto. Se volete impastarlo a mano fate la fontana come per fare la sfoglia e mettete gli ingredienti al centro uno per volta e work even in this case for 10 minutes abundant. After the rest take the dough and roll it out with a rolling pin to a thickness of half a centimeter, fold in on itself, roll it out again and repeat this process several times. Now begin to roll out the dough into a thin sheet, I did it by car, it is faster, is fine and very thin. Once you pull all the strips cut as a favorite, lozenges, in long strips and then tied, rectangular, can be cut short in many ways. Put the oil, which should be abundant in a pan and barely reaches the temperature begins to fry. This kind of dough swell and immediately turns away, so few mettetene to be raised again because now, let it drain, but not anything to absorb oil, paper and paper towels then put in a tray, sprinkle with plenty of sugar. If they last. remain crisp for several days.
while the dough is pulled and folded in on itself |
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