Sunday, February 27, 2011

Wisconsin Dells Bachelors

Tuna: how to do home made pie

Who does not like the tuna in oil? I believe anyone. Unfortunately, in cans with "Tuna in oil" very often are not filled with tuna, but with other fish, which can be, at best, sharks, and when he goes badly with dolphins, but unfortunately there is so shocked. The price obviously makes a difference, buy a can of tuna 200 grams and pay € 06.07, it means you eat tuna tuna tuna put on the table paid 1.50, 2 €, it means that you eat smaller fish, sharks or more. And then there are the preservatives.
I decided to do it alone because my children will eat enough and I'd like to eat tuna if I buy tuna.

Ingredients per 500 grams of fresh tuna:

500 grams of tuna
30 grams of salt
carrot, celery, bay
onion, peppercorns

Wash the piece of tuna, wipe from ventuali filaments or other, put them in a pot with water to cover it thoroughly, and calculated when it starts to boil 3 hours. I put in all the vegetables that are written in the ingredients, plus the peppercorns and bay leaves, but it is my initiative, the various recipes I found in magazines and on web did not speak of vegetables to the boiling water I put them, because in my opinion enhance the taste of tuna. Spend 3 hours
put the tuna in a colander to drain and let it meshed well 24 hours. In short, the tuna should be perfectly dry.
When it is ready to step Passim successiva, metterlo sott'olio.
Prendete dei bei barattoli con chiusure sicure, sterilizzateli al microonde, riempiteli con il tonno, i grani di pepe interi, le foglie di alloro e coprite tutto, con olio extravergine di oliva, più è buono l'olio e meglio viene il tonno, deve essere coperto fino al bordo, chiudete e passiamo alla sterilizzazione. Mettete i vasi, dentro a una pentola, dove avrete precedentemente messo un canovaccio sul fondo, copriteli di acqua che deve arrivare sopra ai tappi almeno un paio di centimetri e da quando iniziano a bollire calcolate 30 minuti. Fateli freddare nella loro acqua. Repitete tutto il procedimento di sterilizzazione per tre volte, ogni volta per 30 minuti. Quando sono freddi riponeteli in un luogo buio come all preserved. We should wait a couple of months before opening the cans because the tuna has to take the flavors of olive oil, salt and pepper. Me after a month I opened it because I wanted to taste it and I must say that it is beautiful, the true taste of tuna, not the taste of salt and nothing else, very good, to be redone completely. Now when we eat the tuna, we know what we eat.


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