Buon 2011!!!
hope will be full of fireworks for everyone!
Friday, December 31, 2010
Thursday, December 30, 2010
What Does 21 % Lymphocytes Mean
Una stagione: l'Inverno
I did not think the cold, but the heat that would have given me in front of a fireplace
This blog is part of the "A Season: Winter" by kosenrufu mama
Yesterday, walking in the woods, I came across this pile of wood covered with frost ...
I did not think the cold, but the heat that would have given me in front of a fireplace
This blog is part of the "A Season: Winter" by kosenrufu mama
Friday, December 24, 2010
Quest Eagles Peak Tent Review
Buon Natale!!!
A tutte voi nuove amiche, lo sapete che non so scrivere ma voglio ringraziarvi tutte
per il sostegno che mi date nei momenti no e l'entusiasmo che mi trasmettete per le poche
cose che riesco a fare.
Grazie di cuore!
Vi lascio in regalo l'immagine della radice di castagno, di cui al precedente post,
addobbata per le feste natalizie *__*
Thursday, December 16, 2010
Masterbation Of American
Non riesco a postare delle ricette corte, 20 minuti per le foto, altrettanto per scrivere i vari passaggi della ricetta, fare quasi tutto in casa, come of the candied fruit cake .... my teacher, she told me: "do the blog" has taught me that the recipes are explained well and when you can also photographed, and I think it's ok, otherwise what is the point has to keep a blog? the purpose of the blog is also to "teach" it to people who may know less than us how to make a sweet, how does a particular bread, how does the baking powder, and when I see recipes like ..... Take this, this and this, they mixed the dates in the form of rolls and put them in the oven 20 minutes I remain astounded ..... this is not a recipe ....
Yesterday was the anniversary of our marriage, in short, my husband and I 22 years ago on a cold day that could not be cooler fen in a sweep of a north wind came directly from Siberia, we said yes in a City Hall, City Hall, which houses beautiful paintings of Grosseto School Macchiaioli. I had a broken rib because my husband a week earlier, in a fit of love, embracing me I was too close and it was distinctly heard a crash due to broken rib. With the cold fractures do more harm, and I was very ill. We got married at 18 and we made dinner at a restaurant typical of real Maremma, ravioli filled with ricotta and spinach (the real Tuscan tortello is with beets) and many other things, croutons hunting, spleen, all up to sweets made strictly in home ... but it was cold as hell .... so yesterday and so today ...
Then I made last night to celebrate this beautiful profitterol, everyone likes. I started the morning by the choux pastry, but delicious in the oven to dry it takes hours, then I put the cream to fill the cupcakes, then I prepared the chocolate to cover the classic pyramid.
Ingredients for choux paste :
260 grams of flour or 00 0
160 grams of butter 1 / 2 liter of water 5 eggs
a pinch salt a pinch sugar
6 dl of fresh cream from mount
40 grams of sugar
Put in a pot not too big, it would be better con il fondo spesso, l'acqua con il burro e il pizzico di sale, portate ad ebollizione, toglietela dal fuoco e gettateci tutto insieme la farina, girate per sciogliere bene tutti i grumi e poi rimettetela sul fuoco e tenetecela alcuni minuti, sempre girando, fino a che non sfrigola, a quel punto è pronta, mettetela da una parte e fatela intiepidire, poi cominciate a metterci dentro un uovo per volta girando benissimo facendolo incorporare prima di mettere l'altro. L'impasto per le bigné è pronto, mettete l'impasto nel sac a poche con bocchetta grande e depositate delle palline grandi come noci in una teglia rivestita di carta forno, infornate a 200°C per 20/30 minuti, poi aprite il coperchio e fate asciugare le bignè long to be good must be completely dry and crisp, so they last longer.
For the chocolate sauce:
150 grams of dark chocolate as a cover
2.5 dl milk 10 grams sugar 50 grams cornstarch
Fate Melt the chopped chocolate in a bowl with half the milk, the cornstarch diluted with built-in the remaining milk, sugar and allow to thicken the sauce, stirring constantly to keep it from sticking.
Whip the cream, gradually incorporating the powdered sugar, place in a pastry bag with small nozzle and fill the cupcake. Place them in a dish in a pyramid, pour over the chocolate sauce and then make the decorations with the cream.
Non riesco a postare delle ricette corte, 20 minuti per le foto, altrettanto per scrivere i vari passaggi della ricetta, fare quasi tutto in casa, come of the candied fruit cake .... my teacher, she told me: "do the blog" has taught me that the recipes are explained well and when you can also photographed, and I think it's ok, otherwise what is the point has to keep a blog? the purpose of the blog is also to "teach" it to people who may know less than us how to make a sweet, how does a particular bread, how does the baking powder, and when I see recipes like ..... Take this, this and this, they mixed the dates in the form of rolls and put them in the oven 20 minutes I remain astounded ..... this is not a recipe ....
Yesterday was the anniversary of our marriage, in short, my husband and I 22 years ago on a cold day that could not be cooler fen in a sweep of a north wind came directly from Siberia, we said yes in a City Hall, City Hall, which houses beautiful paintings of Grosseto School Macchiaioli. I had a broken rib because my husband a week earlier, in a fit of love, embracing me I was too close and it was distinctly heard a crash due to broken rib. With the cold fractures do more harm, and I was very ill. We got married at 18 and we made dinner at a restaurant typical of real Maremma, ravioli filled with ricotta and spinach (the real Tuscan tortello is with beets) and many other things, croutons hunting, spleen, all up to sweets made strictly in home ... but it was cold as hell .... so yesterday and so today ...
Then I made last night to celebrate this beautiful profitterol, everyone likes. I started the morning by the choux pastry, but delicious in the oven to dry it takes hours, then I put the cream to fill the cupcakes, then I prepared the chocolate to cover the classic pyramid.
Ingredients for choux paste :
260 grams of flour or 00 0
160 grams of butter 1 / 2 liter of water 5 eggs
a pinch salt a pinch sugar
6 dl of fresh cream from mount
40 grams of sugar
Put in a pot not too big, it would be better con il fondo spesso, l'acqua con il burro e il pizzico di sale, portate ad ebollizione, toglietela dal fuoco e gettateci tutto insieme la farina, girate per sciogliere bene tutti i grumi e poi rimettetela sul fuoco e tenetecela alcuni minuti, sempre girando, fino a che non sfrigola, a quel punto è pronta, mettetela da una parte e fatela intiepidire, poi cominciate a metterci dentro un uovo per volta girando benissimo facendolo incorporare prima di mettere l'altro. L'impasto per le bigné è pronto, mettete l'impasto nel sac a poche con bocchetta grande e depositate delle palline grandi come noci in una teglia rivestita di carta forno, infornate a 200°C per 20/30 minuti, poi aprite il coperchio e fate asciugare le bignè long to be good must be completely dry and crisp, so they last longer.
For the chocolate sauce:
150 grams of dark chocolate as a cover
2.5 dl milk 10 grams sugar 50 grams cornstarch
Fate Melt the chopped chocolate in a bowl with half the milk, the cornstarch diluted with built-in the remaining milk, sugar and allow to thicken the sauce, stirring constantly to keep it from sticking.
Whip the cream, gradually incorporating the powdered sugar, place in a pastry bag with small nozzle and fill the cupcake. Place them in a dish in a pyramid, pour over the chocolate sauce and then make the decorations with the cream.
Nicky Clarke's Frizz Control 18mm Curling Tongs
Una stagione: l'Autunno
ancora uno scatto fatto in occosione della nevicata del 4-5 dicembre
è una radice di castagno... è ancora autunno anche se non sembra.
Io la trovo beautiful!
This blog is part of the "A Season: Autumn" by kosenrufu mama
ancora uno scatto fatto in occosione della nevicata del 4-5 dicembre
è una radice di castagno... è ancora autunno anche se non sembra.
Io la trovo beautiful!
Tuesday, December 14, 2010
Can I Have A Bath With A Planters Wart
Tortelli kale with feta cheese and walnuts on tobacco cream cannellini
tortelli Still, yes even ravioli. The fresh pasta, stuffed, is another of my passions, I like to invent dough to put together, look for special cheeses that enhance the flavor of a vegetable or fruit to be combined with a cheese ... are little treasures ... This recipe I invented for half and part I found turning the web, now I am doing something wrong because I do not put the link but can not remember the blog and I have not scored, but I got the idea of \u200b\u200bdual flour for pasta, if someone were to recognize something I do not want to, I'm ready to apologize.
Ingredients for the dough:
0 150 grams of flour 150 grams of wheat flour 1 egg hard
water as needed to get the right consistency
a mixture of salt, a little extra virgin olive oil
I do the pasta with the bread machine to mix program, because it turns out a well-crafted pasta, very soft and not hard no effort obviously regular water will put a little time because a lot depends on how much your meal absorbs, once I wrap it in dough
film and put it in the refrigerator.
Ingredients for filling:
here I did everything by eye
a bunch of kale leaves, very soft, discard the old leaves away the very tough Central
100 grams pecorino aged tobacco
6 walnuts
salt, pepper
beans already cooked
Wash the cabbage well because in all those folds you can nest several bugs, do it in pieces and plunge (plunge and just!) in water bollente, mettetelo subito in uno scolapasta, e poi una volta scolato benissimo tritatelo a coltello. Raccoglietelo in una terrina, sminuzzate il pecorino molto finemente, unitelo al cavolo, schiacciate le noci, pestatele nel pestello e unite anche queste all'impasto principale, impastate molto bene, aggiungete il sale ed il pepe e mettetelo da una parte. Riprendetete la pasta, fate delle strisce e, dandogli la forma che volete, fate i tortelli, io li ho fatti quadrati, tagliati con la vecchia rotellina, ho messo un cucchiaino di impasto sopra una striscia di pasta, l'ho coperto con un'altra striscia, ho schiacciato per far aderire la pasta e togliere l'aria e poi ho tagliato.
Metteteli boiled in water, where you will have paid a little 'oil to prevent pasta from sticking, for 5 minutes, and season with scolateti little melted butter, then place them in a sauce of beans that you will shake with the blender and mounted with oil, seasoned with salt and pepper and put a mirror in the flat above the tortellini. Tomorrow I'll give you another recipe for ravioli, are recipes that you can do for the Christmas dinner, I'm trying them for that.
tortelli Still, yes even ravioli. The fresh pasta, stuffed, is another of my passions, I like to invent dough to put together, look for special cheeses that enhance the flavor of a vegetable or fruit to be combined with a cheese ... are little treasures ... This recipe I invented for half and part I found turning the web, now I am doing something wrong because I do not put the link but can not remember the blog and I have not scored, but I got the idea of \u200b\u200bdual flour for pasta, if someone were to recognize something I do not want to, I'm ready to apologize.
Ingredients for the dough:
0 150 grams of flour 150 grams of wheat flour 1 egg hard
water as needed to get the right consistency
a mixture of salt, a little extra virgin olive oil
I do the pasta with the bread machine to mix program, because it turns out a well-crafted pasta, very soft and not hard no effort obviously regular water will put a little time because a lot depends on how much your meal absorbs, once I wrap it in dough
film and put it in the refrigerator.
Ingredients for filling:
here I did everything by eye
a bunch of kale leaves, very soft, discard the old leaves away the very tough Central
100 grams pecorino aged tobacco
6 walnuts
salt, pepper
beans already cooked
Metteteli boiled in water, where you will have paid a little 'oil to prevent pasta from sticking, for 5 minutes, and season with scolateti little melted butter, then place them in a sauce of beans that you will shake with the blender and mounted with oil, seasoned with salt and pepper and put a mirror in the flat above the tortellini. Tomorrow I'll give you another recipe for ravioli, are recipes that you can do for the Christmas dinner, I'm trying them for that.
Saturday, December 11, 2010
Dog Dental Cleaning Prices
Tomorrow another market ... if you are in Moggio dellazona Come to visit ... if not crossed my fingers for me ...
Prometo to put the pictures ... the last time I dimenicato the camera!
A kiss.
Tomorrow another market ... if you are in Moggio dellazona Come to visit ... if not crossed my fingers for me ...
Prometo to put the pictures ... the last time I dimenicato the camera!
A kiss.
Tuesday, December 7, 2010
Fotos De Lorena Herrera Yahoo
Market Market Market Ovaro
tomorrow (December 8) in that of other market Ovaro (FVG)
we hope will be better di quello fatto 10 gg fa...
incrociate le dita per me...un bacio
tomorrow (December 8) in that of other market Ovaro (FVG)
we hope will be better di quello fatto 10 gg fa...
incrociate le dita per me...un bacio
Thursday, December 2, 2010
Dental Implant Thirst
:( sinceramente pensavo di ricevere più aiuti dal mondo dei blog... Barbara è stata l'unica a darmi indicazioni su come eseguire il mio lavoretto. Io ci provo, speriamo bene =__^
Scusate se continuo a essere assente, ma la mia vita ha preso una piega inaspettata. Sto cercando di "farmi forza" e di impegnare my days to prevent the thoughts of running, but sometimes it is not easy ... I'm trying to put to practice the advice of a dear friend known here among these virtual pages, but often I find myself in a vortex of negative thoughts where anxiety, fear and sadness take over.
But now let's get back to us, because in my virtual corner is prohibited feel sad ...
Then Barbara as promised I'll leave the attendance certificate, a personalized greeting card that you can put in your blog or send to your friends ... I hope that you like!
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